Saturday, July 12, 1997


I am turning 30 in a few days. I couldn't be more excited about it.

The occasion is not altogether unexpected. Many people do actually reach this momentous milestone of age and wisdom. If you need any advice, I am your guy. Soon.

Today, however, I am still in my twenties and possibly still a little bit young and reckless. At least, my legs may tell you that as I sit here suffering from fatigue, soreness and cramps.

I have been working full time now for about 10 months. It's been fine, I guess. The stable pay and benefits are nice, and the promise of a pension someday is good. The idea of doing this for 25 more years is a bit daunting if not depressing, though.

The transition from slacker student with a cycling habit to industrious worker has been at times very easy and also extremely difficult. It's been almost a year and I haven't missed a single day of work. Yet during each of those days I probably think of faking sick and leaving for a ride 10 times.

All of these things were swirling around in my head this morning when I woke up. The only logical thing to do (according to my pre-wisdom brain) was go on an ill-advised ride in the hills and heat to prove to myself I still had some life left in these aging legs.

I rode from my apartment in Sacramento up the bike trail to Folsom, into the foothills past El Dorado Hills and Rescue, through Lotus and Cool, and into the canyon. I climbed up to Auburn, rode down the long, gradual descent back into Folsom, and spun back up the bike trail to my apartment. I ended up with 93 miles, a mild heat stroke and a tiny bit more wisdom.

The reality is I am still very much a cyclist, but it's now my side job. There was a time when these two things were reversed, and I rode more hours than I worked. Ah, to be young and fit and fast. Those were good times. My brain still holds tightly to the memories of the young guy who could easily ride 100 miles and still have more left in the tank. I really liked that guy.

It is the 12th of July and today's journey was only my second ride of the month. It's been very hot, and I have been lazy after work. To think I could go out and ride nearly 100 miles in the heat with my current level of fitness was foolish. You might say unwise. Maybe in a few days I will think differently. You know, when that wisdom kicks in.

On the other hand, perhaps testing yourself periodically leads to insight and knowledge. Even though the "thirty" number I am obsessing over is merely a human construct based on the way we perceive time, the ability to measure oneself at these milestones has merit.

Though I struggled today, I proved to myself once again that I still truly love riding a bicycle. And that struggle taught me so much more than resting could have. After a trying week at work, spending a long Saturday in the hills was the cleansing journey I needed.

I have to find a balance between career and private life. Right now the scale is tipping perilously toward the work side. I think piling on some riding weight will help even things out and ultimately assist me in finding a healthy equilibrium.

As I read back what I have just written, I see little bits of wisdom. I can't help but wonder if I turned 30 today.
