Monday, February 28, 2022

Monterey Short

A short video from our last visit.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Mixed Reviews

There is a very good reason why Jennifer is the designated travel coordinator: I pretty much suck at it.

I mean, sure, I can do it. I can find a good home base for riding and dining. I can find the best deals. I can make a reservation. The issue is things tend to go sideways whenever I do it.

Our favorite place to stay in Monterey is the Holiday Inn Express. It's near Cannery Row, but within walking distance to downtown or the aquarium, and the bike trail is right across the street. Unfortunately, most of the time it's pretty expensive, although you do get free breakfasts and parking.

The other place we stay at is the Monterey Marriot Hotel. It's downtown not too far from the wharf and the bike trail, and when we get the state rate of $125, it's pretty damn cheap. The downside is the $30 per night valet parking. We don't use the car much at all when we visit Monterey, but if we do it's a pain to have the car retrieved. Also, I don't like other people driving my car.

Enter the Colton Inn. I found it while scouting around on Expedia for someplace new. It's on Pacific Street about five blocks up from the Marriot. The reviews were good, the price was right and I liked the location. Reservations made.

On the day of our trip we left home early so we could ride from the hotel before our 3:00 check-in. We pulled into the parking lot a little before 1:00 and tried to check in early just for grins. Most places don't care, and it's a lot easier to change clothes and prepare for a ride in the room than it is in a car.

This is when we found out no bikes were allowed in the rooms.

I have been riding and racing for almost 40 years. I have traveled all over the western U.S. and even Mexico with bikes. Nobody has ever said a word about them. Until now.

The manager, who wasn't terribly friendly, showed us the storage area where guests are allowed to keep bikes. It was a cramped laundry room where ladies were busily washing towels and sheets. It was warm and very humid, the worst place to keep steel bikes. I said no thanks. We weren't storing six thousand dollars worth of bikes in that "secured" room where they were going to get knocked over by the maids or Fred the maintenance guy.

I asked for my money back and the manager said I would have to do it through Expedia. When the Expedia refund request went through, she assured us she would approve it.

In the parking lot Jenn started looking for alternate lodging. Until she secured a new place, I couldn't cancel. She scored a room at the Marriot and even got the state rate. I then canceled the Colton Inn reservation.

We had time to kill so we decided to ride. I went back into the office and asked if we could ride from the Colton Inn, and the manager nodded. "You won't have us towed or anything?" She pursed her lips and shook her head no. We are totally getting towed, I thought.

We changed clothes and headed out for a 20-mile ride along the coast. We returned to find our car still there. We loaded up the bikes and drove a few blocks only to unloaded them at the Marriot.

After checking in and showering, we headed to Peter B's.

We had our first beer and ordered some food. When it came time to order a second beer, I asked for the barrel aged stout. Per the menu, this 15% ABV brew should have been served in a Belgian 10-ounce tulip glass, but instead showed up in this monster mug.

It had to be at least 25 ounces. Maybe more. I told the waiter this was a mistake, but he laughed it off and said, "Enjoy."

I did my best, but I couldn't finish it. After leaving the restaurant, details of the rest of the evening are a bit hazy. I do remember my hotel bed having a neat spinning option. I did not enjoy it. Next time I will request a non-spinning bed.

The next morning we bought coffee, which I needed desperately, and took a long walk around town. We saw this Continental, which is one of my all-time favorite cars.

Late in the morning we rode north, another 20 miler.

On Sunday we rode 21 miles along 17 Mile Drive.

On Monday we opted to head home early instead of riding.

This visit started off pretty badly, but we righted the ship and still had some fun. The Colton Inn received a firm but fair review. I mostly wanted to warn fellow cyclists that this wasn't a great option. The Marriot, on the other hand, was pretty good.

There aren't many pictures of the trip because I focused on taking video. I'll get that edited and posted in the next few days.
