Thursday, May 05, 2022

Coastal Birdies

We have been working really hard to get the Placerville property on the market. The listing is done and the house looks fantastic. Jenn did a spectacular job in the design and execution of the project.

The whole family contributed in some way. For the men, it was mostly demo, cleanup and at times some very hard labor. Retirement ain't always what it's cracked up to be.

Little was left the the same. The stairs used to come up though the middle of the loft starting in the back left corner of the new kitchen.

Now they are on the right as you enter through the front door.

The new kitchen is in the old living room.

The old house was dark and closed. Now it's open and bright.

The master bedroom is massive.

The master bathroom is fantastic.

The loft is super cool.

Were it not located in the boonies, I would love to live in this house.

Anyway, with the job done it was time for some R&R on the coast.

We opted to ride before we left. Even though we did 20 miles on the same roads we always ride, there is something different about "clocking out" that makes a ride more enjoyable.

We arrived in Monterey, checked in and walked to Peter B's.

Here I am saying hello to my friend Brian. He likes to see pictures of the pretty birds on the coast. Here you go, buddy!

We walked back happy and relaxed, as calm as the waters of the bay.

The next day we rode along 17 Mile Drive. Purple seemed to be the theme.

We finished the day with a fine meal at the Alvarado Street Brewery.

The next day we did our long ride. We rode north on the coastal trail and entered Fort Ord, climbed up Barloy Canyon, skirted Laguna Seca Raceway, and descended back through town.

We totaled 25 miles and almost 2000 feet of climbing.

The next day we rode south along the water.

Afterwards we visited the aquarium.

On our last day we did a quick ride north, checked out and hit the road.

This was a much needed and well deserved trip. A few days to do all our favorite things without many distractions was just what we needed.
