Saturday, December 07, 2002

Race Report: 2002 Sacramento Cyclocross #7

Well, the final race of the Sacramento Cyclocross Series is in the books. I went into the race with the slimmest of one-point leads over Alex, which made the assignment pretty damn simple: Win the race.

We duked it out for the entire race and left the rest of the field in the dust, putting almost a minute into Skyler in third place. I must say, we were flying. I attacked a number of times and so did he, but nothing stuck. We knew we were racing for the series overall, so we were riding our guts out.

On the last lap I turned onto the last section of asphalt, about 100 meters slightly uphill, and attacked from the front. I only gave it about 90% effort, and at the top he was still there. I knew then I made a huge tactical mistake. We were going 18 miles per hour up the hill, so he was definitely benefiting by being on my wheel while I maxed my heart rate. All he had to do was sit on my wheel through the next section of singletrack, which he did, and attack me on the fire road, which he did. All that was left after that was rough singletrack to the wider finishing straight. I tried to get under him by squaring off the last corner, but he knew I was going to try it and shut me down to the inside. We had a short 30 meter sprint for the line, and I just couldn't get all the way around him. He got me by a wheel. So close.

Second in the race, second in the series (37 points to 36). Being the bride's maid is a central theme in the story of my racing life. The only guy I had to beat stopped our hero once again. No trophy, no flowers, no glory.

Still, I am not too disappointed because I rode pretty much full blast and made no (physical) mistakes. I hit all the barriers really well, and at a higher speed than ever before. I may have even looked graceful doing it. So Alex beat me fair and square and I'm cool with it.

John gave us a shout-out in the final results, which was nice. Yes, I am definitely upgrading for next season. My transformation from clueless and clumsy newbie to veteran cyclocross racer is now complete.

Today will go down in my memories as a special day. One of my best racing days for sure. It was awesome to be part of two guys rising to the occasion and riding nearly perfect races. At almost every barrier we were side-by-side, really going for it, trying to gain just a few feet of advantage. I pushed myself to a new place, deep into the blackness of the pain cave. I've never given that kind of effort in a race before. But it was worth it. So very cool. I am bummed that the cyclocross season is winding down already. It went too fast. Damn, that was a fun series.


Sunday, December 01, 2002

Race Report: 2002 Sacramento Cyclocross #6

Race number six occurred at Negro Bar on a course much less suited to my strengths. The grass, sand pit and the stairs were pretty tough for me. I am no runner. There is little doubt if I had been born in the ice age I would have been an easy meal for a saber-toothed cat.

The one saving grace was the long asphalt stretch towards the end of each lap. This is where most people were trying to recover, but I used it to gain time. Each lap I put it in the big ring and hammered my guts out, and each time I passed the guys who ran past me during the running sections.

I ended up third, sandwiched between Alex in second and Skyler in fourth. I am disappointed with the result from a points standpoint, but happy that I gritted it out on a course with features that I really struggled with.

Alex is now one point behind me in the standings. Basically I have to beat him next week in the final race. There are different points scenarios because the title is based on the best four finishes, but in no situation do I win the series if he should beat me by just one place. Even if we tie for the points, he would win because the last race is the tie breaker. Oh, the pressure. I will have to put a lot of emphasis on practicing dismounts this week because that is where he always gets me.
