Friday, July 22, 2011

Some Kind of Monster

It’s been a while since I have posted. Sorry for the monster post. A lot has transpired in that time. In an attempt not to bore everyone to death, I will hit the highlights of the last 60 days or so in abbreviated fashion.

In April we made a full-price offer on a bank-owned condominium in Incline Village, Nevada. So did someone else. I tacked on a few grand and resubmitted the offer, and it was eventually accepted, but only after a lot of haggling over terms.

For the record, I would not recommend buying a bank-owned home in another state.

In early June we closed escrow and I achieved a long-time goal of owning a place in Incline, a place I have been visiting regularly for 25 years. Our first visit after taking ownership:

We've been up a few times to visit and transport furniture, and it's been pretty fun.

During the first visit I was able to get in a couple rides, but I had to stay low due to the snow.

We went up again over the Fourth of July and again I got a few more rides in. I was able to ride at higher elevation, but there was still a lot of snow on top. One day I climbed to the top of Mount Rose on Highway 431. It's about 2700 feet from lake level.

The trail I wanted to ride, the Rim Trail, was somewhere under all this snow.

Still, there was plenty of prime singletrack down a little lower.

On my last ride I was bombing down this steep chute on a flume trail (not THE Flume Trail) and heard metal clanging.

I thought, What the hell is that? I stopped but I couldn't find anything wrong with my bike. I looked up the trail and found a bunch of these:

Nails from the old flume. A couple of them were very primitive and square, and they appeared to be quite old.

A couple doors down there are a number of friendly local kids. In this day and age of video games and virtual reality, it warmed my heart to see a wiffle ball game break out.

To finish up, see all those bikes? They're just over my back fence. Yes, a bike shop a stone's throw away. Nice.


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