Monday, January 02, 2012

Fat Tour

I got out for a little tour of Incline Village today. Nothing too difficult, though, since I was a bit sore from the previous day's efforts. A couple hours of basketball at the recreation center in the morning and a 2.5-hour hike in the afternoon had really taxed some normally unused muscles. Ah, the plight of the aging cyclist.

I was surprised to see the beaches open, with nobody manning the gates. In my experience Incline Village doesn't miss many opportunities to generate income. Normally there wouldn't be any money to be had because the beaches should be covered in six feet of snow, but there were actually a lot of people out there enjoying a balmy January day on the sand.

I rode along the water for a while, but the unusual consistency of the sand made it tough. I had managed to stay on top of all the sand I had tried riding prior to today, but this stuff was different—course and seemingly light in weight. Even riding in the "sweet spot" at the water line didn't work. In fact, it became even softer, like quicksand. It was the first time the Pugs failed at something, so I was bummed out.

I moved on to some local trails nestled in the middle of town. Once I started exploring this summer, I found little gems hidden here and there. With a little effort you can link some things together and have a nice little ride.

I took a few timer pics. This one I immediately tossed aside because of the weird exposure and graininess. Then the more I looked at it, the more I liked it.

It wasn't the most exciting ride ever, but the Pugs is still new enough that I get a kick out of riding it.


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