First up was a little fishing. We hit the water at 7:00. In hindsight we should have started a bit earlier because the action stopped at about 9:00.
Carlos and Manuel prepare the bait.
Right off the bat I caught a mahi mahi. Jen also hooked one, but it jumped and threw the hook. Shortly after that I hooked a tuna. Fish on!
Not a huge tuna, but man did it fight.
Jen then had her turn with a tuna.
I know her arms were burning at this point. Mine were.
Almost in.
Nice one.
We took our mahi mahi back to the chef at the hotel, and he made some delicious tacos with it. Great lunch.
After lunch we went snorkeling for a while. The water was warm and inviting, and there were plenty of fish to look at.
Fun stuff and another good day. Sorry this post is mostly pictures, but I am not feeling especially wordy today.
I'm tempted to suggest that your tiny, tuna taco was really just an iguana. I've been told that they taste like alligator.