Sunday, June 05, 2016


About three weeks ago I decided to tackle a fairly large project. Ever since we made the made the decision to remove the grass, I knew the stairs leading to the pool would need some sort of solution for the elevation change. You can grow grass on a steep slope, but the replacement gravel would never stay in place. It was time for a wall.

I decided on a square area and a two-sided wall. In the middle I wanted a blue palm tree as a centerpiece. Time to dig.

I carved out the basic outline of what I wanted.

Then dug the trench for the first layer of stones.

The calculations are tricky. Not only did I need to think about the height, there is also some setback for each layer of stone. I did the math and went to work.

Getting the first layer right is 90% of the work.

After that you just start stacking.

And stacking.

Nailed the height.

Then you backfill.

Then the long process of laying plastic and moving tons (literally) of gravel.

A Mexican Blue Palm.

Mostly done.

I am pretty happy with the results.

The property certainly looked better with all the grass we used to have, but ultimately the water bill and the harassment from El Dorado County forced an alternative. It's also very difficult to maintain grass up here in the foothills. There is a constant battle with weeds, moles, voles, raccoons, sprinklers, mowing, edging, etc. Even what little we have left in back and on the side is a hassle.

Anyway, another project down. Time for a Sunday night beer.


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