Thursday, March 30, 2017

First Commute

Yesterday I rode home for the first time this year. It's always one of the harder rides of the year as I make the transition from "winter riding" to spring. I am always a year older, a pound heavier and a little slower than the year before.

I rode at a very moderate pace because I was apprehensive about the distance. Most of my rides lately have been 60 to 90 minutes in duration, and the ride home from work usually takes around 3.5 hours.

There was an overall theme to the ride and it was this: abundance. There was a maddening quantity of insects on the bike trail . . .

a great deal of water flow in the river . . .

more greenery than I have seen in many years . . .

and more debris in the lake than I have ever seen.

The trails were in pretty good shape considering all the rain.

The 37 miles and 2500 feet of climbing took me just shy of 3.5 hours. It was definitely a tough introduction to spring, but the next one should be a little easier.



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